Source code for

# Copyright Contributors to the Cellarium project.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

Testing utilities

This module contains helper functions for testing.

from import Callable
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import torch
from pytest import approx
from scipy.stats import linregress

[docs] def assert_positive(name: str, number: float): """ Assert that a number is positive. Args: name: The name of the number. number: The number to check. Raises: ValueError: If the number is not positive. """ if number <= 0: raise ValueError(f"`{name}` must be positive. Got {number}")
[docs] def assert_nonnegative(name: str, number: float): """ Assert that a number is non-negative. Args: name: The name of the number. number: The number to check. Raises: ValueError: If the number is negative. """ if number < 0: raise ValueError(f"`{name}` must be non-negative. Got {number}")
[docs] def assert_columns_and_array_lengths_equal( matrix_name: str, matrix: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor, array_name: str, array: np.ndarray | torch.Tensor, ): """ Assert that the number of columns in a matrix matches the length of an array. Args: matrix_name: The name of the matrix. matrix: The matrix. array_name: The name of the array. array: The array. Raises: ValueError: If the number of columns in the matrix does not match the length of the array. """ if matrix.shape[1] != len(array): raise ValueError( f"The number of `{matrix_name}` columns must match the `{array_name}` length. " f"Got {matrix.shape[1]} != {len(array)}" )
[docs] def assert_arrays_equal( a1_name: str, a1: np.ndarray, a2_name: str, a2: np.ndarray, ): """ Assert that two arrays are equal. Args: a1_name: The name of the first array. a1: The first array. a2_name: The name of the second array. a2: The second array. Raises: ValueError: If the arrays are not equal. """ if not np.array_equal(a1, a2): raise ValueError(f"`{a1_name}` must match `{a2_name}`. " f"Got {a1} != {a2}")
[docs] def assert_slope_equals(data: pd.Series, slope: float, loglog: bool = False, atol: float = 1e-4): """ Assert that the slope of a series is equal to a given value. Args: data: The :class:`pandas.Series` object to check. slope: Expected slope. loglog: Whether to use log-log scale. atol: The absolute tolerance. Raises: ValueError: If the slope is not equal to the given value. """ x = np.log(data.index) if loglog else data.index y = np.log(data) if loglog else data assert linregress(x, y).slope == approx(slope, abs=atol)
""" Helper functions for coordinate data collection. """ def l1_norm(x: torch.Tensor) -> float: return x.detach().abs().mean().item()
[docs] def record_out_coords( records: list[dict], width: int, name: str, t: int ) -> Callable[[torch.nn.Module, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], None]: """ Returns a hook to record layer output coordinate size. Args: records: The list of records to append to. width: The width of the model. name: The name of the layer. t: The time step. Returns: A hook to record layer output coordinate size. """ def hook(module: torch.nn.Module, input: torch.Tensor, output: torch.Tensor) -> None: ret = {"width": width, "module": f"{name}.out", "t": t, "l1": l1_norm(output), "type": "out"} records.append(ret) return hook
[docs] def get_coord_data( models: dict[int, Callable[[], torch.nn.Module]], train_loader:, loss_fn: Callable[[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor], optim_fn: type[torch.optim.Optimizer], lr: float, nsteps: int, nseeds: int, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """ Get coordinate data for a model. Args: models: A dictionary mapping width to a function that returns a model. train_loader: The training data loader. loss_fn: The loss function. optim_fn: The optimizer class. lr: The learning rate. nsteps: The number of steps to train for. nseeds: The number of seeds to use. Returns: A :class:`pandas.DataFrame` containing the coordinate data. """ records: list[dict[str, object]] = [] for i in range(nseeds): torch.manual_seed(i) for width, lazy_model in models.items(): model = lazy_model() model.train() optim_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = {"lr": lr} optimizer = optim_fn(model.parameters(), **optim_kwargs) data_iter = iter(train_loader) for batch_idx in range(nsteps): data, target = next(data_iter) remove_hooks = [] prev_param = {} for module_name, module in model.named_children(): # record layer outputs remove_hooks.append( module.register_forward_hook(record_out_coords(records, width, module_name, batch_idx)) # type: ignore[arg-type] ) # record parameter values for param_name, param in module.named_parameters(): if param_name.endswith("_unscaled"): # muP param_name = param_name.removesuffix("_unscaled") multiplier = getattr(module, f"{param_name}_multiplier") else: # SP multiplier = 1.0 ret = { "width": width, "module": f"{module_name}.{param_name}", "t": batch_idx, "l1": multiplier * l1_norm(param), "type": "param", } records.append(ret) prev_param[f"{module_name}.{param_name}"] = param.detach().clone() # step optimizer.zero_grad() output = model(data.view(data.size(0), -1)) loss = loss_fn(output, target) loss.backward() optimizer.step() # record parameter deltas for module_name, module in model.named_children(): for param_name, param in module.named_parameters(): if param_name.endswith("_unscaled"): # muP param_name = param_name.removesuffix("_unscaled") multiplier = getattr(module, f"{param_name}_multiplier") else: # SP multiplier = 1.0 delta_param = param.detach() - prev_param[f"{module_name}.{param_name}"] ret = { "width": width, "module": f"{module_name}.{param_name}.delta", "t": batch_idx, "l1": multiplier * l1_norm(delta_param), "type": "delta", } records.append(ret) for handle in remove_hooks: handle.remove() return pd.DataFrame(records)