Source code for

# Copyright Contributors to the Cellarium project.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

Data utilities

This module contains helper functions for data loading and processing.

from import Callable
from dataclasses import dataclass
from operator import attrgetter
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy
import torch
from anndata import AnnData

[docs] @dataclass class AnnDataField: """ Helper class for accessing fields of an AnnData-like object. Example:: >>> from import DistributedAnnDataCollection >>> from import AnnDataField, densify >>> dadc = DistributedAnnDataCollection( ... "gs://bucket-name/folder/adata{000..005}.h5ad", ... shard_size=10_000, ... max_cache_size=2) >>> adata = dadc[:100] >>> field_X = AnnDataField(attr="X", convert_fn=densify) >>> X = field_X(adata) # densify(adata.X) >>> field_total_mrna_umis = AnnDataField(attr="obs", key="total_mrna_umis") >>> total_mrna_umis = field_total_mrna_umis(adata) # np.asarray(adata.obs["total_mrna_umis"]) Args: attr: The attribute of the AnnData-like object to access. key: The key of the attribute to access. If ``None``, the entire attribute is returned. convert_fn: A function to apply to the attribute before returning it. If ``None``, :func:`np.asarray` is used. """ attr: str key: str | None = None convert_fn: Callable[[Any], np.ndarray] | None = None def __call__(self, adata: AnnData) -> np.ndarray: value = attrgetter(self.attr)(adata) if self.key is not None: value = value[self.key] if self.convert_fn is not None: value = self.convert_fn(value) else: value = np.asarray(value) return value
[docs] def collate_fn(batch: list[dict[str, np.ndarray]]) -> dict[str, np.ndarray | torch.Tensor]: """ Collate function for the ``DataLoader``. This function assumes that the batch is a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary has the same keys. If the key ends with ``_g`` or ``_categories``, the value of that key is checked to be the same across all dictionaries in the batch and then taken from the first dictionary. Otherwise, the value of that key is concatenated along the first dimension. Then the values which are not strings are converted to a :class:`torch.Tensor` and returned in a dictionary. Args: batch: List of dictionaries. Returns: Dictionary with the same keys as the input dictionaries, but with values concatenated along the batch dimension. """ keys = batch[0].keys() collated_batch: dict[str, np.ndarray | torch.Tensor] = {} if len(batch) > 1: if not all(keys == data.keys() for data in batch[1:]): raise ValueError("All dictionaries in the batch must have the same keys.") for key in keys: if key.endswith("_g") or key.endswith("_categories"): # Check that all values are the same if len(batch) > 1: if not all(np.array_equal(batch[0][key], data[key]) for data in batch[1:]): raise ValueError(f"All dictionaries in the batch must have the same {key}.") # If so, just take the first one value = batch[0][key] else: value = np.concatenate([data[key] for data in batch], axis=0) if not np.issubdtype(value.dtype, np.str_) and not np.issubdtype(value.dtype, np.object_): collated_batch[key] = torch.tensor(value, device="cpu") else: collated_batch[key] = value return collated_batch
[docs] def densify(x: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix) -> np.ndarray: """ Convert a sparse matrix to a dense matrix. Args: x: Sparse matrix. Returns: Dense matrix. """ return x.toarray()
[docs] def categories_to_codes(x: pd.Series) -> np.ndarray: """ Convert a pandas Series of categorical data to a numpy array of codes. Returned array is always a copy. Args: x: Pandas Series object. Returns: Numpy array. """ return np.asarray(
[docs] def get_categories(x: pd.Series) -> np.ndarray: """ Get the categories of a pandas Series object. Args: x: Pandas Series object. Returns: Numpy array. """ return np.asarray(