# Copyright Contributors to the Cellarium project.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import math
import lightning.pytorch as pl
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.distributed as dist
import torch.nn as nn
from lightning.pytorch.strategies import DDPStrategy
from cellarium.ml.models.model import CellariumModel, PredictMixin
from cellarium.ml.utilities.testing import (
class IncrementalPCA(CellariumModel, PredictMixin):
Distributed and Incremental PCA.
1. `A Distributed and Incremental SVD Algorithm for Agglomerative Data Analysis on Large Networks (Iwen et al.)
2. `Incremental Learning for Robust Visual Tracking (Ross et al.)
The variable names schema for the input data validation.
Number of principal components.
Number of iterations for the low-rank SVD algorithm.
If ``True`` then the mean correction is applied to the update step.
If ``False`` then the data is assumed to be centered and the mean correction
is not applied to the update step.
def __init__(
var_names_g: np.ndarray,
n_components: int,
svd_lowrank_niter: int = 2,
perform_mean_correction: bool = True,
) -> None:
self.var_names_g = var_names_g
n_vars = len(self.var_names_g)
self.n_vars = n_vars
self.n_components = n_components
self.svd_lowrank_niter = svd_lowrank_niter
self.perform_mean_correction = perform_mean_correction
self.V_kg: torch.Tensor
self.S_k: torch.Tensor
self.x_mean_g: torch.Tensor
self.x_size: torch.Tensor
self.register_buffer("V_kg", torch.empty(n_components, n_vars))
self.register_buffer("S_k", torch.empty(n_components))
self.register_buffer("x_mean_g", torch.empty(n_vars))
self.register_buffer("x_size", torch.empty(()))
self._dummy_param = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(()))
def reset_parameters(self) -> None:
def forward(self, x_ng: torch.Tensor, var_names_g: np.ndarray) -> dict[str, torch.Tensor | None]:
Incrementally update partial SVD with new data.
Gene counts matrix.
The list of the variable names in the input data.
An empty dictionary.
assert_columns_and_array_lengths_equal("x_ng", x_ng, "var_names_g", var_names_g)
assert_arrays_equal("var_names_g", var_names_g, "var_names_g", self.var_names_g)
g = self.n_vars
k = self.n_components
niter = self.svd_lowrank_niter
self_X_size = self.x_size
other_X_size = x_ng.size(0)
total_X_size = self_X_size + other_X_size
assert k <= min(other_X_size, g), (
f"Rank of svd_lowrank (n_components): {k} must be less than min(n_obs, n_vars): {min(other_X_size, g)}"
# compute SVD of new data
if self.perform_mean_correction:
self_X_mean = self.x_mean_g
other_X_mean = x_ng.mean(dim=0)
_, S_k, V_gk = torch.svd_lowrank(x_ng - other_X_mean, q=k, niter=niter)
_, S_k, V_gk = torch.svd_lowrank(x_ng, q=k, niter=niter)
# if not the first batch, merge results
if self_X_size > 0:
self_X = torch.einsum("k,kg->kg", self.S_k, self.V_kg)
other_X = torch.einsum("k,gk->kg", S_k, V_gk)
joined_X = torch.cat([self_X, other_X], dim=0)
if self.perform_mean_correction:
mean_correction = (
math.sqrt(self_X_size * other_X_size / total_X_size) * (self_X_mean - other_X_mean)[None, :]
joined_X = torch.cat([joined_X, mean_correction], dim=0)
# perform SVD on merged results
_, S_k, V_gk = torch.svd_lowrank(joined_X, q=k, niter=niter)
# update buffers
self.V_kg = V_gk.T
self.S_k = S_k
self.x_size = total_X_size
if self.perform_mean_correction:
self.x_mean_g = self_X_mean * self_X_size / total_X_size + other_X_mean * other_X_size / total_X_size
return {}
def on_train_start(self, trainer: pl.Trainer) -> None:
if trainer.world_size > 1:
assert isinstance(trainer.strategy, DDPStrategy), (
"Distributed and Incremental PCA requires that the trainer uses the DDP strategy."
assert trainer.strategy._ddp_kwargs["broadcast_buffers"] is False, (
"Distributed and Incremental PCA requires that broadcast_buffers is set to False."
def on_train_epoch_end(self, trainer: pl.Trainer) -> None:
Merge partial SVD results from parallel processes at the end of the epoch.
Merging SVDs is performed hierarchically. At each merging level, the leading
process (even rank) merges its SVD with the trailing process (odd rank).
The trailing process discards its SVD and is terminated. The leading
process continues to the next level. This process continues until only
one process remains. The final SVD is stored on the remaining process.
The number of levels (hierarchy depth) scales logarithmically with the
number of processes.
# no need to merge if only one process
if trainer.world_size == 1:
assert trainer.current_epoch == 0, "Only one pass through the data is required."
# parameters
k = self.n_components
niter = self.svd_lowrank_niter
self_X_size = self.x_size
self_X = torch.einsum("k,kg->kg", self.S_k, self.V_kg).contiguous()
if self.perform_mean_correction:
self_X_mean = self.x_mean_g
# initialize rank, world_size, and merging level i
rank = trainer.global_rank
world_size = trainer.world_size
i = 0
while world_size > 1:
# level i
# at most two local ranks (leading and trailing)
if rank % 2 == 0: # leading rank
if rank < world_size:
# if there is a trailing rank
# then concatenate and merge SVDs
src = (rank + 1) * 2**i
other_X = torch.zeros_like(self_X)
other_X_size = torch.zeros_like(self_X_size)
dist.recv(other_X, src=src)
dist.recv(other_X_size, src=src)
total_X_size = self_X_size + other_X_size
# obtain joined_X
joined_X = torch.cat([self_X, other_X], dim=0)
if self.perform_mean_correction:
other_X_mean = torch.zeros_like(self_X_mean)
dist.recv(other_X_mean, src=src)
mean_correction = (
math.sqrt(self_X_size * other_X_size / total_X_size) * (self_X_mean - other_X_mean)[None, :]
joined_X = torch.cat([joined_X, mean_correction], dim=0)
# perform SVD on joined_X
_, S_k, V_gk = torch.svd_lowrank(joined_X, q=k, niter=niter)
# update parameters
V_kg = V_gk.T
if self.perform_mean_correction:
self_X_mean = (
self_X_mean * self_X_size / total_X_size + other_X_mean * other_X_size / total_X_size
self_X = torch.einsum("k,kg->kg", S_k, V_kg).contiguous()
self_X_size = total_X_size
else: # trailing rank
# send to a leading rank and exit
dst = (rank - 1) * 2**i
dist.send(self_X, dst=dst)
dist.send(self_X_size, dst=dst)
if self.perform_mean_correction:
dist.send(self_X_mean, dst=dst)
# update rank, world_size, and level i
rank = rank // 2
world_size = math.ceil(world_size / 2)
i += 1
assert trainer.global_rank == 0
self.V_kg = V_kg
self.S_k = S_k
self.x_size = self_X_size
if self.perform_mean_correction:
self.x_mean_g = self_X_mean
def explained_variance_k(self) -> torch.Tensor:
The amount of variance explained by each of the selected components. The variance
estimation uses ``x_size`` degrees of freedom.
Equal to ``n_components`` largest eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of input data.
return self.S_k**2 / self.x_size
def components_kg(self) -> torch.Tensor:
Principal axes in feature space, representing the directions of maximum variance
in the data. Equivalently, the right singular vectors of the centered input data,
parallel to its eigenvectors. The components are sorted by decreasing ``explained_variance_k``.
return self.V_kg
def predict(self, x_ng: torch.Tensor, var_names_g: np.ndarray) -> dict[str, np.ndarray | torch.Tensor]:
Centering and embedding of the input data ``x_ng`` into the principal component space.
Gene counts matrix.
The list of the variable names in the input data.
A dictionary with the following keys:
- ``x_ng``: Embedding of the input data into the principal component space.
- ``var_names_g``: The list of variable names for the output data.
assert_columns_and_array_lengths_equal("x_ng", x_ng, "var_names_g", var_names_g)
assert_arrays_equal("var_names_g", var_names_g, "var_names_g", self.var_names_g)
z_nk = (x_ng - self.x_mean_g) @ self.V_kg.T
var_names_k = np.array([f"PC{i + 1}" for i in range(self.n_components)])
return {"x_ng": z_nk, "var_names_g": var_names_k}