Source code for

# Copyright Contributors to the Cellarium project.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause

from typing import Literal

import lightning.pytorch as pl
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.nn.attention.flex_attention import BlockMask, create_block_mask

from import MultiHeadReadout, TokenEmbedding, Transformer, TransformerBlock
from import CellariumModel, PredictMixin, ValidateMixin
from import scale_initializers_by_dimension
from import LRAdjustmentGroup

    from cerebras.pytorch.backend import use_cs
except ImportError:

    def use_cs() -> bool:
        return False

def prompt_diagonal_mask(prompt_mask_nc: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
    Generate a prompt diagonal mask for self-attention.

            The prompt mask.

        torch.Tensor: The prompt diagonal mask.


        For prompt_mask = [True, False, True, False, False], the attention mask is:

        [[True, False, True, False, False],
         [True, True,  True, False, False],
         [True, False, True, False, False],
         [True, False, True, True,  False],
         [True, False, True, False, True]]
    device = prompt_mask_nc.device
    n, c = prompt_mask_nc.shape
    if use_cs():
        c_range = torch.arange(c, device=device, dtype=torch.float32)
        diag_mask_ncc = (c_range[:, None].expand(n, -1, 1) - c_range.expand(n, 1, -1)).abs()
        prompt_mask_n1c = 1 - prompt_mask_nc[:, None, :].float()
        attention_mask_ncc = diag_mask_ncc * prompt_mask_n1c
        return attention_mask_ncc == 0
        diag_mask_cc = torch.eye(c, dtype=torch.bool, device=device)
        attention_mask_ncc = prompt_mask_nc[:, None, :] | diag_mask_cc
        return attention_mask_ncc

[docs] class CellariumGPT(CellariumModel, PredictMixin, ValidateMixin): """ CellariumGPT model. Args: categorical_token_size_dict: Categorical token vocabulary sizes. Must include "gene_value" and "gene_id". Additionally, it can include experimental conditions, such as "assay" and "suspension_type", and metadata tokens such as "cell_type", "tissue", "sex", "development_stage", and "disease". d_model: Dimensionality of the embeddings and hidden states. d_ffn: Dimensionality of the inner feed-forward layers. n_heads: Number of attention heads. n_blocks: Number of transformer blocks. dropout_p: Dropout probability. use_bias: Whether to use bias in the linear transformations. attention_backend: Backend for the attention computation. attention_softmax_fp32: Whether to use float32 for softmax computation when ``torch`` backend is used. loss_scale_dict: A dictionary of loss scales for each label type. These are the query tokens that are used to compute the loss. initializer_range: The standard deviation of the truncated normal initializer. embeddings_scale: Multiplier for the embeddings. attention_logits_scale: Multiplier for the attention logits. output_logits_scale: Multiplier for the output logits. mup_base_d_model: Base dimensionality of the model for muP. mup_base_d_ffn: Base dimensionality of the inner feed-forward layers for muP. """ def __init__( self, # Vocab sizes categorical_token_size_dict: dict[str, int], # Model parameters d_model: int, d_ffn: int, n_heads: int, n_blocks: int, dropout_p: float, use_bias: bool, attention_backend: Literal["flex", "math", "mem_efficient", "torch"], attention_softmax_fp32: bool, loss_scale_dict: dict[str, float], # Tunable parameters initializer_range: float = 0.02, embeddings_scale: float = 1.0, attention_logits_scale: float = 1.0, output_logits_scale: float = 1.0, # muP (maximal update parameterization) parameters mup_base_d_model: int | None = None, mup_base_d_ffn: int | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() # Vocab sizes self.categorical_token_size_dict = categorical_token_size_dict # Initializers self.initializer_range = initializer_range default_initializer = { "name": "trunc_normal_", "mean": 0.0, "std": self.initializer_range, "a": -2 * self.initializer_range, "b": 2 * self.initializer_range, } embeddings_initializer = default_initializer.copy() Wqkv_initializer = default_initializer.copy() Wo_initializer = default_initializer.copy() dense1_initializer = default_initializer.copy() dense2_initializer = default_initializer.copy() heads_initializer = default_initializer.copy() self.lr_adjustment_groups = { "embedding": LRAdjustmentGroup("*embedding*weight"), "decoder_attention": LRAdjustmentGroup("*transformer*attention*W*weight"), "decoder_input_ffn": LRAdjustmentGroup("*transformer*ffn.dense1*weight"), "decoder_output_ffn": LRAdjustmentGroup("*transformer*ffn.dense2*weight"), } # Multipliers self.embeddings_scale = embeddings_scale self.attention_logits_scale = attention_logits_scale self.output_logits_scale = output_logits_scale # Handle muP scaling for Adam and AdamW optimizers if mup_base_d_model: d_model_width_mult = d_model / mup_base_d_model scale_initializers_by_dimension( [Wqkv_initializer, dense1_initializer], width_scale=d_model_width_mult**-0.5, ) scale_initializers_by_dimension( Wo_initializer, width_scale=d_model_width_mult**-0.5, depth_scale=(2 * n_blocks) ** -0.5, ) self.output_logits_scale /= d_model_width_mult for lr_adjustment_group in [ "decoder_attention", "decoder_input_ffn", ]: self.lr_adjustment_groups[lr_adjustment_group].set_scale(1 / d_model_width_mult) self.width_mult = d_model_width_mult else: scale_initializers_by_dimension( Wo_initializer, depth_scale=(2 * n_blocks) ** -0.5, ) if mup_base_d_ffn: d_ffn_width_mult = d_ffn / mup_base_d_ffn scale_initializers_by_dimension( dense2_initializer, width_scale=d_ffn_width_mult**-0.5, depth_scale=(2 * n_blocks) ** -0.5, ) self.lr_adjustment_groups["decoder_output_ffn"].set_scale(1 / d_ffn_width_mult) assert self.width_mult == d_ffn_width_mult else: scale_initializers_by_dimension( dense2_initializer, depth_scale=(2 * n_blocks) ** -0.5, ) embedding_token_size_dict = {} for key, vocab_size in categorical_token_size_dict.items(): if key in loss_scale_dict: # Add 1 to the vocab size for the query tokens to account for the mask token embedding_token_size_dict[key] = vocab_size + 1 elif key != "gene_value": embedding_token_size_dict[key] = vocab_size self.token_embedding = TokenEmbedding( categorical_token_size_dict=embedding_token_size_dict, continuous_token_list=["gene_value", "gene_query_mask", "total_mrna_umis"], d_model=d_model, embeddings_initializer=embeddings_initializer, ) self.transformer = Transformer( d_model=d_model, d_ffn=d_ffn, use_bias=use_bias, n_heads=n_heads, n_blocks=n_blocks, dropout_p=dropout_p, attention_logits_scale=attention_logits_scale, attention_backend=attention_backend, attention_softmax_fp32=attention_softmax_fp32, Wqkv_initializer=Wqkv_initializer, Wo_initializer=Wo_initializer, dense1_initializer=dense1_initializer, dense2_initializer=dense2_initializer, ) self.head = MultiHeadReadout( categorical_token_size_dict={key: categorical_token_size_dict[key] for key in loss_scale_dict}, d_model=d_model, use_bias=use_bias, output_logits_scale=output_logits_scale, heads_initializer=heads_initializer, ) self.loss_scale_dict = loss_scale_dict self.reset_parameters() def reset_parameters(self) -> None: def _reset_parameters(module): return getattr(module, "_reset_parameters", lambda: None)() self.apply(_reset_parameters) @property def d_model(self) -> int: block = self.transformer.blocks[0] assert isinstance(block, TransformerBlock) return block.d_model @property def d_ffn(self) -> int: block = self.transformer.blocks[0] assert isinstance(block, TransformerBlock) return block.d_ffn @property def n_heads(self) -> int: block = self.transformer.blocks[0] assert isinstance(block, TransformerBlock) return block.attention.n_heads @property def n_blocks(self) -> int: return len(self.transformer.blocks) @property def attention_backend(self) -> Literal["flex", "math", "mem_efficient", "torch"]: block = self.transformer.blocks[0] assert isinstance(block, TransformerBlock) return block.attention.attention_backend @attention_backend.setter def attention_backend(self, value: Literal["flex", "math", "mem_efficient", "torch"]) -> None: for block in self.transformer.blocks: assert isinstance(block, TransformerBlock) block.attention.attention_backend = value
[docs] def predict( self, token_value_nc_dict: dict[str, torch.Tensor], token_mask_nc_dict: dict[str, torch.Tensor], prompt_mask_nc: torch.Tensor, ) -> dict[str, np.ndarray | torch.Tensor]: """ Args: token_value_nc_dict: Dictionary of token value tensors of shape ``(n, c)``. token_mask_nc_dict: Dictionary of token mask tensors of shape ``(n, c)``. Returns: Dictionary of logits tensors of shape ``(n, c, k)``. """ # Create embeddings embedding_ncd = self.token_embedding(token_value_nc_dict, token_mask_nc_dict) # Create attention mask attention_mask_ncc: torch.Tensor | BlockMask if self.attention_backend == "flex": def prompt_diagonal_mask_mod(b, h, q_idx, kv_idx): return prompt_mask_nc[b, kv_idx] | (q_idx == kv_idx) n, c = prompt_mask_nc.shape attention_mask_ncc = create_block_mask(prompt_diagonal_mask_mod, B=n, H=None, Q_LEN=c, KV_LEN=c) else: attention_mask_ncc = prompt_diagonal_mask(prompt_mask_nc) # Transformer blocks hidden_state_ncd = embedding_ncd * self.embeddings_scale hidden_state_ncd = self.transformer(hidden_state_ncd, attention_mask_ncc) # Compute logits logits_nck_dict = self.head(hidden_state_ncd) return logits_nck_dict
def forward( self, token_value_nc_dict: dict[str, torch.Tensor], token_mask_nc_dict: dict[str, torch.Tensor], prompt_mask_nc: torch.Tensor, label_nc_dict: dict[str, torch.Tensor], label_weight_nc_dict: dict[str, torch.Tensor], ) -> dict[str, torch.Tensor]: logits_nck_dict = self.predict( token_value_nc_dict=token_value_nc_dict, token_mask_nc_dict=token_mask_nc_dict, prompt_mask_nc=prompt_mask_nc, ) # Compute loss if not (set(self.loss_scale_dict) == set(label_nc_dict) == set(label_weight_nc_dict)): raise ValueError("The keys of loss_scale_dict, label_nc_dict, and label_weight_nc_dict must be the same.") loss_dict = {} loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss(reduction="none") # Make sure that label_nc_dict is created by concatenating the gene_value and metadata labels # in the same order as the embeddings. for key, label_nc in label_nc_dict.items(): logits_nck = logits_nck_dict[key] assert isinstance(logits_nck, torch.Tensor) label_weight_nc = label_weight_nc_dict[key] assert isinstance(label_weight_nc, torch.Tensor) loss_dict[key] = torch.sum( loss_fn(logits_nck.view(label_nc.numel(), -1), label_nc.view(-1).long()) * label_weight_nc.view(-1) ) loss = sum(loss_dict[key] * self.loss_scale_dict[key] for key in loss_dict) assert isinstance(loss, torch.Tensor) loss_dict["loss"] = loss return loss_dict def validate( self, trainer: pl.Trainer, pl_module: pl.LightningModule, batch_idx: int, token_value_nc_dict: dict[str, torch.Tensor], token_mask_nc_dict: dict[str, torch.Tensor], prompt_mask_nc: torch.Tensor, label_nc_dict: dict[str, torch.Tensor], label_weight_nc_dict: dict[str, torch.Tensor], ) -> None: n = prompt_mask_nc.shape[0] loss_dict = self.forward( token_value_nc_dict=token_value_nc_dict, token_mask_nc_dict=token_mask_nc_dict, prompt_mask_nc=prompt_mask_nc, label_nc_dict=label_nc_dict, label_weight_nc_dict=label_weight_nc_dict, ) pl_module.log_dict(loss_dict, sync_dist=True, on_epoch=True, batch_size=n)