# Copyright Contributors to the Cellarium project.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
from collections.abc import Callable
from typing import Any
import lightning.pytorch as pl
import torch
from lightning.pytorch.utilities.types import STEP_OUTPUT
from torch.utils.hooks import RemovableHandle
from cellarium.ml.layers import MuLinear
def l1_norm(x: torch.Tensor) -> float:
return x.detach().abs().mean().item()
def record_out_coords_hook(
trainer: pl.Trainer, name: str, batch_idx: int, multiplier: float
) -> Callable[[torch.nn.Module, tuple, torch.Tensor], None]:
Returns a hook to record layer output coordinate size.
The pytorch lightning trainer.
The name of the layer.
The batch index.
The multiplier.
A hook to record layer output coordinate size.
def hook(module: torch.nn.Module, input: tuple, output: torch.Tensor) -> None:
metrics = {
"l1": l1_norm(output) * multiplier,
"module": f"{name}.out",
"type": "out",
"t": batch_idx,
for logger in trainer.loggers:
logger.log_metrics(metrics, step=batch_idx) # type: ignore[arg-type]
return hook
class GetCoordData(pl.Callback):
A callback that records the L1 norm of the output and parameter values of each layer in the model.
A dictionary mapping layer names to their corresponding multipliers.
If not provided, all layers will have a multiplier of 1.0.
def __init__(self, layer_name_to_multiplier_name: dict[str, str] | None = None) -> None:
self.layer_name_to_multiplier_name = layer_name_to_multiplier_name or {}
def on_train_batch_start(
trainer: pl.Trainer,
pl_module: pl.LightningModule,
batch: Any,
batch_idx: int,
) -> None:
# Store the hooks to remove them later
self.out_hooks: list[RemovableHandle] = []
# Create a mapping from modules to names
module_to_name = {module: name for name, module in pl_module.named_modules()}
# Store the initial parameter values before the optimizer step
self.on_batch_start_param_values: dict[str, torch.Tensor] = {}
def record_coords_hook(module: torch.nn.Module) -> None:
if isinstance(module, (torch.nn.Linear, torch.nn.Embedding, MuLinear)):
module_name = module_to_name[module]
multiplier_name = self.layer_name_to_multiplier_name.get(module_name, None)
if multiplier_name is not None:
multiplier = getattr(pl_module, multiplier_name)
multiplier = 1.0
# record layer outputs
module.register_forward_hook(record_out_coords_hook(trainer, module_name, batch_idx, multiplier))
# record parameter values
for param_name, param in module.named_parameters():
param_multiplier = multiplier if param_name.startswith("weight") else 1.0
if param_name.endswith("_unscaled"):
# muP
param_name = param_name.removesuffix("_unscaled")
param_multiplier *= getattr(module, f"{param_name}_multiplier")
full_param_name = f"{module_name}.{param_name}"
self.on_batch_start_param_values[full_param_name] = param.clone().detach()
metrics = {
"l1": l1_norm(param) * param_multiplier,
"module": full_param_name,
"type": "param",
"t": batch_idx,
for logger in trainer.loggers:
logger.log_metrics(metrics, step=batch_idx) # type: ignore[arg-type]
def on_train_batch_end(
trainer: pl.Trainer,
pl_module: pl.LightningModule,
outputs: STEP_OUTPUT,
batch: Any,
batch_idx: int,
) -> None:
# Remove the hooks
for hook in self.out_hooks:
# Create a mapping from modules to names
module_to_name = {module: name for name, module in pl_module.named_modules()}
def record_coords_hook(module: torch.nn.Module) -> None:
if isinstance(module, (torch.nn.Linear, torch.nn.Embedding, MuLinear)):
module_name = module_to_name[module]
multiplier_name = self.layer_name_to_multiplier_name.get(module_name, None)
if multiplier_name is not None:
multiplier = getattr(pl_module, multiplier_name)
multiplier = 1.0
# record parameter deltas
for param_name, param in module.named_parameters():
param_multiplier = multiplier if param_name.startswith("weight") else 1.0
if param_name.endswith("_unscaled"):
# muP
param_name = param_name.removesuffix("_unscaled")
param_multiplier *= getattr(module, f"{param_name}_multiplier")
full_param_name = f"{module_name}.{param_name}"
prev_param_value = self.on_batch_start_param_values[full_param_name]
param_delta = param.detach() - prev_param_value
metrics = {
"l1": (l1_norm(param_delta)) * param_multiplier,
"module": f"{full_param_name}.delta",
"type": "delta",
"t": batch_idx,
for logger in trainer.loggers:
logger.log_metrics(metrics, step=batch_idx) # type: ignore[arg-type]
self.on_batch_start_param_values = {}